The Northern Agricultural and Pastoral Association celebrates North Canterbury’s proud rural heritage and promotes high-quality farming and cultivation. 

Our story begins with the local farmers’ clubs of the 1860s, which were set up to improve agricultural practices across the area through competitions and lectures. 

In 1866, a group of these progressive farmers founded the Northern A&P Association and held North Canterbury’s first show, which drew a crowd of more than 1200 people.

More than 150 years later, our dedicated team of volunteers continues to bring town and country together through a range of rural-focused events. 

Our highlight of the year is the Rangiora Show, which attracts competitors and visitors from across Canterbury and the South Island. The two-day event features some of our region’s best equestrian and rural sporting talent, plus livestock from top local breeders.  

In winter, our committee organises an annual hay and silage competition to recognise North Canterbury farmers who are leading the way with their quality growing practices.

Our Association also provides facilities for the entire community. The Rangiora Showgrounds are the home of many local equestrian and sporting clubs, including the local pony club and polo club. In recent years, they’ve also become an outdoor events space, alongside our pavilion and independently-run Function Centre.

Everything we offer is made possible by our generous and hard-working team of volunteers, plus our community sponsors and supporters.

We’re proud of our longstanding role in North Canterbury and we’re here to ensure our rural traditions can be enjoyed by many more generations to come.


Volunteer Committees

2023 Show Committee

President:  Mel Morris

Senior Vice President:  Rachael Robinson

Junior Vice President:  Leigh Miller

Ex Officio:  Sam Ashworth, Jeremy Ashworth, Alister Brosnan, Chris Bailey, Alan Brittan, Gary Donald, Gary Evans, Ian Ford, Gordon Fulton, Craig McIntosh, Duncan Lundy, Jeffrey Miles, Nelson Moffatt, Graham Morris, Lyndon Morris, Donald Morriss, Alastair Robinson, Brent Snellex, Graeme Stevenson, Ian Stevenson, Graham Stewart, Nicky Stewart, Alan Wyllie, Malcolm Wyllie, Pete Dixon and Graeme Green

Committee:  Stuart Bailey, Gordon Cowens, Ron Holdaway, Leigh Miller, Mel Morris, Caitlin Rhodes, Rachael Robinson, Geoff Spark, Andrew Stewart, Nathan Stewart, Rebecca Stewart, Murray Weaver and Phil Worthington

Patrons:  S Ashworth, C Bailey, G Donald, I.C Ford, D Lundy, J C McIntosh, D Morriss and Philip Worthington

Patronesses:  D Donald, W Fulton, M Spark, N Vavasour

Honorary Life Members:  C Ashworth, J Ashworth, W Fulton, M Harris, D Lundy, G.L Morris, A Robinson, G Stewart, N Stewart, N Vavasour

2023 Finance Committee

Chairman:  Graeme Green

Committee: Jeremy Ashworth, Graeme Green, Duncan Lundy, Jeffrey Miles, Leigh Miller, Mel Morris, Alastair Robinson, Rachael Robinson, Philip Worthington, Malcolm Wyllie