Measuring days 2024

Measuring days are held each year at the Rangiora Stand at the Rangiora Showgrounds. Entry is off Coldstream Road, next to the railway line. 

1.  Sunday 7th January - 10am til 1pm

Bookings are not required – just turn up on the day. Measuring days operate on a first-in, first-served basis. There are no set individual time slots.



First measure (either annual or young stock) with issue of certificate     $40.00

Annual re-measure   $25.00

Young stock re-measure   $15.00

Life Certificate   $100.00

Payment can be via cash or internet banking (no eftpos) prior to measuring or on the day bank details BNZ 02 0876 0024162 00. If you are paying in cash, the correct change is appreciated.

All replacement certificates (lost certificate, change of horse/pony name and so on) must be issued from the Royal Agricultural Society (RAS) Head Office. If you have lost your certificate, please contact the RAS Head Office prior to coming to a measuring day: phone 03 313 1004 or email

You can pre-register with the RAS for a first measure. Please follow the link below for more information on this:


Measuring information

All measuring information, including the full rulebook, can be found on the RAS website. Visit: